When 35g of wood was burnt in air it combined with 32g of oxygen to obtain 2g of ash and a gas mixture of carbon dioxide and water vapour. Wgen the gas mixture was cooled 18g of water condensed .how much carbin dioxide was obtained.

Dear Student,

Wood is composed of cellulose which is a polymer of glucose. Therefore, let us take the reactant as glucose. C6H12O6  +    6O2    Ash +6CO2 +6H2O Now, when the gas mixture is cooled 18 g of H2O is obtained, so mass of H2O is 18 gFrom equation, 6 mol i.e. 6×18 g of water is obtained frm 6 mol i.e. 6×32 g of O2So, 18 g of water will be obtained from  6×32  6×18×18=32 g of O2So, whole O2 is being consumed. Now, 6×32 g of O2 gives 6×44 g of CO2So, 32 g of O2 will give  6×44 6×32×32=44 g of CO2

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