When a block of mass is suspended by a long wire of length l thr length of the wire becomes (L+l) the elastic potential energy stored in the extended wire is

Pls solve this

Dear Student


  • 1
Dear student,
elastic Potential energy per unit volume is given by, U = 1/2 × stress × strain

Let volume of wire is V , cross sectional area is A and length of wire is already given i.e., L

so, elastic potential energy = 1/2 × stress × strain × V

now, stress = force applied/area

= weight of body/A

= Mg/A

and strain = change in length/original Length

= l/L

so,elastic potential energy = 1/2 × Mg/A × l/L × AL

= 1/2 × Mg × l

= 1/2 Mgl

hence, elasticpotential energy is 1/2Mgl

hope this helps!!
  • 2
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