When the last tree is fallen,the last fish is caught, the last river poisoned will we understand that we cannot eat money, comprehend

Dear Student,
This quote reflects humans actions and tells that we as humans just don't care about other living beings and for our money we get to any level. Deforestation, excess fish catching, releasing wastes in rivers are some proofs that tell us how we have taken natural things for granted. We should understand that we can't take money to our afterlife and everything will remain in this world so rather than just valuing money we should value other organisms and should understand that Earth is not meant for humans only. We must understand that killing other organisms will disturb food chains that in turn will affect human beings and our survival will also be difficult as we can nowadays what is happening due to pollution.

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Wow!!! that's a great quote...
It means whatever we do now for money like, clearing forests for more land, dumping factory wastes in rivers, we all will have a judgement day then for our actions,

i hope u found this helpful
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