When you boil an egg it changes from a liquid form to a solid form even though you are heating it up?... Experts plz ans this question that how it changes....

Dear Student,

The liquid inside egg is called “albumen” which is made up of 90% water and about 10% proteins.

Proteins are long chains of amino acids that are assembled by the molecular factories in our cells, and they are the structural components of all living things.  The amino acids are chained together in a specific order that allows them to fold up into a specific shape . Amino acids are held by different linkages which maintain the shape, which includes hydrogen bonds and sulfide bridges that form between the amino acids as the protein folds. 

When we boil the eggs some of the proteins become “denatured”, which is to say that the bonds between the protein chains are broken and the chains get coiled and the egg becomes hard


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The liquid turns to a gas on heating only when a boiling point of liquid is reached.
And egg is made up of proteins ,so when an egg is boiled at high temperature,entropy of it's molecule increases .This increase in entropy causes denaturation of protein present in eggs and results in coagulation of proteins. Thus it gets solidified.
Details of the entropy concept and its effect on egg will be taught in higher classes .
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