which is living tissue in xylem and which is dead.
Which is living in pholem and which is dead..

Dear student,      
​Please find below the solution to the asked query  

Xylem parenchyma is the only living component of the xylem tissue. Rest all (tracheids, vessels and xylem fibres) are dead.
Sieve tube cells, companion cells and phloem parenchyma cells are the living components of phloem. Phloem fibres are dead.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
​If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.  

  • 18
Xylem living tissue is xylem parenchyma and conducting tissues.
Xylem dead tissues are the rest.
Phloem living tissues are its conducting tissues.
The rest are dead.
  • -2
in xylem except xylem parenchyma all are dead

in phloem except phloem sclerenchyma or phloem fibres all are living
  • 1
sclerenchyma is dead
  • -5

living- xylem parenchyma
dead- fibres,tracheids,vessels


living- phloem parenchyma,seive tubes, companion cells
dead- phloem fibres

                                          HOPE IT HELPS!!!!!
  • 7
In xylem :
  1. xylem vessels are dead
  2. xylem tracheids are dead.
  3. xylem fibres are dead.
  4. xylem parenchyma.
In phloem :
  1. phloem parenchyma is living
  2. phloem fibres are dead.
  3. phloem sieve tubes are living
  4. phloem companion cells are living. 
  • 5
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