which is the best way to write a science exam?

Always be positive.
Have confidence in your preparation and keep calm.
• Read the questions thoroughly.
• Never break the series of answers. You can answer from the first question to the last question, or the last question to the first question. But never jumble the series.
• Always start with the questions that carry more marks and which might be tough for you so that you have ample time to think.
• If you feel you're stuck with a question, don't panic. Try and think of the answer with a calm mind. If you still feel that the answer isn't occurring to you, mark that question on your question paper and move on the next question. You can get back to the question if you have time in hand.
• Never think about another question's answer while answering a question. It will confuse you and you might make a mistake. Approach each question individually.
• Make the clean and well labelled diagrams where ever necessary.
• Write the answer in proper paragraphs and points.
• In case of numericals, write proper steps to get the answer.
• Last but not the Least, definitely revise the paper if you have time.
For more information you can visit our blog:https://www.meritnation.com/blog/ Cheers and all the best!

  • 3
you should not learn anything as it is you have understand the concept and if you will write he answer in your own language with the concept your answer will be write 
  • -2
diagrams carry quite a lot marks and make sure you label them correctly, read the questions for five minutes and then the ques which are tricky and time-taking should be done afterwards, first do the easy ones. THIS FORMULA MAY WORK AND HELP A LOT.....
  • 0
1. Practice Past Papers  
  2. Read All Questions Carefully      
3. Manage Your Time  
4. Structure Your Answer
5. Explore Both Sides of an Argument
6. Review Your Answers Thoroughly 
Strengthen your Memory Skills
Read Everything Carefully

  • 1
  • Know the test format and subject material.
  • Set aside a specific place to study.
  • Set aside a specific time to study.
  • Make sure you are well-rested.
  • Highlight any important vocabulary terms.
  • Read your textbook or articles.
  • Do any practice problems that are in your book chapters.
  • 2
  • 0
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