Which of the following shows the correct order of paramagnetism?
  1. ​​N > Al > O > Ca
  2. N > O > Al  > Ca
  3. O > N > Al > Ca
  4. O > N > Ca > Al

Aslso provide the reason.....

Dear Student

Greater the number of unpaired electrons greater will be the amount of paramagnetism.

(i) Electronic configuration nitrogen will be 1s22s22pwhich means it has 3 unpaired electron.
(ii) ​Electronic configuration aluminium will be 3s23p1 which means it has 1 unpaired electron.
(iii)​Electronic configuration oxygen will be 2s22p4 which means it has 2 unpaired electron.
(iv) ​Electronic configuration calcium will be 4s2 which means it has 0 unpaired electron.

Hence the correct ans is 2


  • 16
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