which of the following statements are true ?
1:rate of S​N2reaction decreses on increasing the dielectric constant of medium 
2: rate of aromatic SN2raction of aryl halides is governed only by inductive effect of substituent  attached on benzene ring 
3: rate of SN1 reaction does not depend on dielectric constant of the medium 
4: during S2 reaction of 2-chloroprpaoic acid with NaSH retetion of configuration takes place 

Dear Student,

Option (1) is true. 
Rate of SN2 reaction decreases with the increasing dielectric constant of the medium. This is because, higher the dielectric constant higher will be the polarity of the solvent. Polar solvent molecules surround the nucleophile and thus the attack of nucleophile on the alkyl halide is hindered causing the rate of reaction to decrease.

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