Which of the following statements is true about the molecules in solids and liquids?
A]Solid moleculesmove faster than liquid molecules.
B]The force of attraction in liquids is stronger than that in solids.
C]Solid molecules have a higher kinetic energy than liquid molecules.
D]Solids have fixed shape while liquids do not have fixed shape.

Dear Student,

[A] The particles of a liquid are able to move past each other and the particles of a solid are not able to move out of their positions relative to one another, but do have small vibrational movements.
So solid molecules do not move faster than liquid molecules.

[B] In the solid the particles vibrate in place while in a liquid, particles will flow or glide over one another, but stay toward the bottom of the container. The attractive forces between particles are strong enough to hold a specific volume but not strong enough to keep the molecules sliding over each other.
So the force of attraction in liquids is weaker than that in solids.

[C] Solids have the lowest kinetic energy so vibrate very little and liquids have more kinetic energy so particles slide past each other.
Solid molecules have a lower kinetic energy than liquid molecules.

[D] The intermolecular force between the particles in solid is very high that make the particles tightly packed together and provide a fixed shape while in liquids due to less intermolecular force they do not have fixed shape and regains the shape of container in which they poured.
So option [D] is true about solid and liquids.


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