Which of the following would have a permanent dipole moment ?A)BF3B)SiF4C)SF4D)XeF4

Pls answer it as soon as possible and also explain the reason.

The answer is C.
This can be explained on the basis of shape of molecules. The shape of the molecule is as follows:


The dipole moment of all the molecules except SF4 cancel with each other as the dipole moment of the bonds in the molecule are directed in opposite directions.

Of sulfur's total of six valence electrons, two form a lone pair. The structure of SF4 anticipated using the VSEPR theory is a see-saw shape, with S at the center.
One of the three equatorial positions is occupied by a non-bonding lone pair of electrons.
The molecule has two distinct types of F ligands, two axial and two equatorial.

Due to the presence of lone pair and un-equal S-F bonds, SF4 is a polar molecule.

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i think SF4 is having a permanent dipole..this can be explained on the basis of the molecular geometry...SF4 is having a see saw shaped structure...so due to this structure a difference in the electronegativities..or we can say some distortion in the electron cloud can occur causing a permanent dipole...BF3 is not a dipole because of its trigonal shape...SiF4 is not because of its planar shape as wel as XeF4....

hope this helps..!! all the best...!!!

  • 20

You are absolutely correct, thanks for the explaination.

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