Which one is faster light or currrent???

Dear Student,

The speed of electric (electromagnetic) field propagation in copper wire is slower than in vacuum by a factor referred to as the velocity factor. The speed of electromagnetic waves propagate in vacuum is 299,792,458 meters per second. The velocity factor for a 12-gauge copper wire copper wire is about 0.951 (according to thissource). Therefore, the speed of electricity in a 12-gauge copper wire is 299,792,458 meters per second x 0.951 or 285,102,627 meters per second. This is about280,000,000 meters per second which is not very much different from the speed of electromagnetic waves (light) in vacuum.


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I think light.
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Electricity and light are both forms of ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (ER) and all ER travels at the same speed of 300,000. km/second
  • -1
light is probably faster.
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Light is the fastest
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