Which place is called the land of apples?

South America
  • -9
in the elementary schoolin a slum we are talking about south america
  • -10
himachal pradesh
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it's Kashmir
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  • -15
  • -15
it is kotgarh, a place near shimla in india
  • -17
This story does not take place in India.
This story takes place in The United States of America. The reference to Indians here is not people belonging to India, but Native Americans, who are also called American Indians. 
The state of Washington is the largest producer of apples in the USA and is thus also referred to as 'The Land Of Apples'. I hope that answers your query. 
  • 34
Because tge appales were red
  • -13
south america
  • -2
South america
  • -6
 kashmir i guess
  • -8
Coz my experienced teacher told me.
  • 2
South America is one of the leading harvesting regions of different species of?apples. ... That's why is South America is known as the?LAND OF APPLES
  • 1
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