which political solutions were adopted by dalit leaders to the problems of their community?(3 marks)

1)For long time the dalits suffered in indian society.
2)Congress too ignored dalits because of the fear about sanatanis
3)So, the dalit leaders wanted a solution to this problem
4)They demanded reservation in educational institutions  and separate electorate for them.
5)They believed that political empowerment was important to solve their problem
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The phase of struggle b/w us and Vietnam during 1965-1972 was called brutal.explain the reasions.
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Following political solution were adopted by dalit leaders to the problems of their community:- 1.They began organising themselves. 2. They demanding reserved seats in educational institutions. 3. They separate electorate that would choose dalit members for legislative council. 4. Political empowerment, they believed, would resolve the problem of their social disabilities.
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