Which rule will be disobeyed by the electronic configurations:

(i) 2s3 (ii) 2s2 2px2 2py1 2p0

1)It disobeyed the Pauli's exclusion principle which states that any orbital can occupy maximum 2 electrons.here it is three
2) It disobeyed Hund' rule which states that all the orbitals at given energy level must be occupied singly first and then the pairing of electron in particular orbital will start.Here 2px, 2py and 2pz are degenerate orbitals so they should occupy at first one electron each.But here 2pz is empty and 2px has 2 electrons.

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1) An orbital must contain maximum 2 elecrons only. here there r 3

2) First of all filling of orbitals must start from 1s orbital,this is one mistake. The other big mistake is that In the 2p orbital

there can be maximum accomodation of 6 electrons (2px2 2py2 and 2pz2). in this case only 3 electrons need to be accomodated. So, 1 electron will be accomodated in each of the 3 orbitals...{ACCORDING TO HUND'S RULE}

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