Which two activities does the poet want us to stop?

1st - speaking in any language .
2nd - not move the arms so much .
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Poet want to stop following activities 1.To Stop talking in any language (for unity) 2. Not to open arm too much....here arm is used for weapons
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Which 2 activities the poet wants to stop
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1. NOT TO SPEAK IN ANY LANGUAGE:-  The world today stands divided by man made boundaries of caste, creed, religion, language culture etc. Such boundaries have caused him miseries alone. The poet wants us to break open from all these barriers and stand united with a sense of brotherhood and love and thus create a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings.

2. TO STOP MOVING OUR ARMS- The poet wants us to stop engaging in wars and  to stop using weapons to kill each other, because in the end the only thing that remains is a victory without survivors. Bloodshed and enmity is not going to do anything good.
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