which zone of the candle flame is Luminous and why

the middle zone of a candle is luminous zone .......when we will cut supply of air (oxygen) then it will be called innermost zone of a candle which is black in colour but here in the middle zone of a candle is luminous because there is the presence of air ( oxygen) , the colour of a middle zone of a candle is yellow in colour because of only air ( oxygen),if there will be not then it will be non luminous but there is the presence of air so that it is luminous

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Which zones of candle is luminous and why?
  • -4
The outer zone of a flame is blue:It is a non-luminous zone.In this zone,complete combustion of the fuel takes place because there is plenty of air around it.The outermost zone has the highest temperature in the flame.It is the hottest part of the flame.It is quite thin as compared to middle zone.Oct 3, 2016
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