Whichis more harmful, plastic or glass , to the environment? I request an expert to answer.

Dear Student,
Glass is not so harmful. It is better than plastic if recycled properly.
  1. Glass is not an offensive material for environment.
  2. Glass causes greenhouse effect and needs a lot of fuel which increases CO2 in atmosphere.
  3. Plastic products has more surface area which is normally huge comparing weight. When it accumulates in the ground, it hamper the flow of necessary nutrition elements for tree. Excessive plastic below ground will slowly kill the flora diversity. But glass materials has less surface area than plastic products.
  4. Plastic is severely harmful for ocean life as the amount of dumping plastic is increasing day by day. Suspending plastic creates havoc for many marine life. But glass settles in the ocean floor because of its weight.
  5. Glass recycling is common and well established in many countries.
  6. Some countries are finding it cheaper to buy new glass bottles than recycle - and so there are large stockpiles of recycled glass in Australia which has become an issue.
  7. Solutions are to turn the glass back into a sand like product - so it can be used in construction or for building roads.

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Plastic is more harmful than glass because plastic cannot be decomposed yes i know that glass cannot be decomposed but it can be used for longer duration of time
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Plastic is more harmful for environment as plastic cannot decompose.Glass also not decompose but may use again. Hope it help.Thanku.
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Plastic as it cause pollution . Hope its usefull
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