While calculate GDCF =NDCF + dep can be or GDFCF +dep + change in stock but answer is coming different? In this question calculate NDPFC

Depreciation                                                                                          100
Subsidies                                                                                               300
Government final consumption expenditure                                             400
Indirect taxes                                                                                        400
Net factor income from abroad                                                             100
Final consumption expenditure                                                            2000
Exports                                                                                                750
Gross domestic fixed capital formation                                                1000
Net domestic capital formation                                                             800
Private final consumption expenditure                                                   500
Change in stock                                                                                    -50
Imports                                                                                                800

Dear student, 

NDPfc = Final consumption expenditure + Gross Domestic fixed capital formation + Change in stock + (Exports - Imports)- Depreciation - (Indirect taxes - Subsidies)

= 2000 + 1000 + (-50) + (750 - 800) - 100 - (400 - 300)
= Rs 2700 crore

Note: In the question we are already given final consumption expenditure. So, we will not take the two components- private final consumption expenditure and government final consumption expenditure separately. 

  • -2
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