who founded spinning jenny? is it john kaye or some one else? Tomorrow sa2 social

It was invented by John Kaye.
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Spinning jenny, a multi-spindle spinning frame was invented during the industrial revolution by James Hargreaves in 1764 in England to speed up the process of Cotton Textile making.
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Which is the answer? James Hargreaves or john kaye?
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In 1764, JOHN KAYE invented Spinning Jenny which increased the productivity of the traditional spindles.
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Actually, it was invented by James Hargreaves. However it was first used in the cotton textile industry by John Kaye.
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It is John kaye in 1764. It is given in the text book in page number 83 3rd paragraph.
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Invented by john kaye in 1764
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John kaye is correct
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It is John kaya in 1764. It the text book in page no 83 
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yes john kaye only
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In 1764, the Spinning Jenny was invented by John Keye.
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