who is municipal councillor? what are its functions?

 The municipal councillors or the Ward councillors are elected for different cities or wards, and are responsible for the following activities:

1. They ensure that the particular demands of their wards are placed before the entire council.
2. Take complicated decisions affecting the entire city through forming committees, which are then implemented by the Commissioner and the administrative staff.
3. They are also responsible for deciding on the budget.


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In the Netherlands the municipal council is the elected assembly of the municipality. Its main role is laying down the guidelines for the policy of the council of mayor and aldermen and exercising control over its execution by the council of mayor and aldermen. ...

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municipal councillor is the ellected member of the municipal counsel which take care of the city sanitation and desicion.they come from a particular ward of a town or city

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Municipal council is the elected assembly of the municipality. Its main role is laying down the guidelines for the policy of the council of mayor and aldermen and exercising control over its execution by the council of mayor and aldermen. Functions ofMunicipal council are:-

  • Municipal councils mustensure the provision of servicesto local communities. To deliver these services, the municipality must hire staff and pay for things like water pipes and streetlights. If the municipality does not have adequate income, it will not be able to afford to continue to provide services. Municipalities therefore need financial and management systems to collect income from rates, tax and service charges. These systems will ensure that service delivery is sustainable.
  • Municipal councils must alsopromote the social and economic development of their local communities. Municipalities are responsible for services that aim to make our cities, towns and rural areas prosperous and healthy places to live and work in. For example, municipalities must develop plans for their local areas to ensure that residential homes are close to schools, clinics and shops. Municipal planning can also enhance the economic potential of an area. For example, through ensuring that there is transport for people to travel from home to work. Municipalities can also develop programmes to support the economic growth of the local area, such as small business development programmes.
  • Most importantly, municipal councils are responsible forgoverning the local area in a way that is democratic and accountable to the local communitiesthat elected them. Municipal councils take important decisions on behalf of the communities they represent. For example, they must decide which services are most urgently needed and where to allocate limited resources. Each municipal council must ensure that the decisions it takes aim to meet the needs of the local community, and benefit the local area. It must also account to local residents for the decisions that it takes, and for the way in which it spends public funds. Municipal councils should ensure that local residents have a say in the decisions they take. They should encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in the governance of the local area.
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