Who is the first human to learn english

John cabot
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john cabot
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John Cabot was born Giovanni Caboto ca. 1450 probably in the Republic of Genoa. After he received citizenship in the Republic of Venice in 1476, he was allowed to start maritime shipping operations, which he did for almost twenty years. After he got into financial trouble in Venice in the 1480s, he moved to Spain where he was involved in various projects, including one plan to improve the harbor of Valencia. When this fell through, he moved to Seville in 1494, around the same time Christopher Columbus returned to that city from his second voyage. A second failed project inspired him to move to England to look for support for an oceanic voyage.
He is the first to learn and speak english...
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John Cabot
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john cabot
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John Cabot
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john cabot
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John Cabot
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