Who was appointed as the first Inspector General of Forests in India. Explain any

three reforms introduced by him.

Sir Dietrich Brandis,KCIE,FRS(March 31, 1824 May 29, 1907,Bonn) was aGermanforesterwho worked with the BritishImperial Forestry Servicein colonialIndia. He is considered the father oftropicalforestry.

Some reforms made by him are----

1) He realised that a proper system had to be introduced to manage the forests and

people had to be trained in the science of conservation.

2) This system need legal sanction.

3) Rules about the use of forest resources had to be frames.

4) Felling of trees and grazing had to be restricted so that the forests could be

preserved for timber production.

5) Anybody who cut the trees without the following the systemhad to be punished

6) So brandis set up the INDIAN FOREST SERVICE in 1864 helped formulate the INDIAN FOREST ACT of 1865.

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