who was mira behn? find out more about her life and her ideas.

  • Mira Behn was one of the followers of Mahatma Gandhi. Second-five year plan focused on science and technology.
  • It was opposed by Mira Behn. She was of the view that science and technology might give huge returns but at the end will lead to depair as these developments would be done at the cost of nature.
  • She said that we should frame our policies considering the laws of nature and should not disturb the natural balance.
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Mira Behn was one of the followers of Mahatma Gandhi. Second-five year plan focused on science and technology. It was opposed by Mira Behn. She was of the view that science and technology might give huge returns but at the end will lead to depair as these developments would be done at the cost of nature. She said that we should frame our policies considering the laws of nature and should not disturb the natural balance. I hope it helped. Experts, thumbs up for me please !
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