Who were actually the moderates? What was the role of the moderates in the Independence movement?

The Moderates were the most active participants of the freedom struggle during this phase and so the name Moderate Phase. It is also sometimes referred to as the Early Nationalist Phase. Dada Bhai Naoroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Dinshaw Wacha and Surendranath Bannerjee were some of the famous Moderate leaders.

The Moderates advocated and used methods of Constitutional agitation for demanding reforms. They presented their demands to the British through petitions, prayers, protests, meetings, speeches and resolutions. A drawback of their strategy was that they targeted only educated masses for the political activities. This may be one of the reasons why they were not very successful in their endeavors. But there is no denying the fact that it was the moderates who laid a strong foundation for the Freedom Movements that followed to launch itself.

The Moderates were successful in exposing the exploiting character and the evil results of the British policies. This aided them in creating a wide national awakening among the people of the country. They popularized ideas of democracy, civil liberties, secularism, nationalism and trained civilians in the art of political work.

Major Achievements

1. Appointment of Public Service Commission in 1886.

2. Start Indian Civil Services examinations simultaneously in London and India.

3. Appointment of Welby Commission on Indian expenditure in 1895.

Failure of Moderates and Rise of Extremists

Even though they were successful in bringing in a nationalistic awakening, they failed to realize the importance of a mass struggle. They also could not realize the true nature of the British and their policies. So the moderates were not able to pose any major threat to the British rule in India. A more action oriented movement which could take extreme measures became the need of the hour. Subsequently there emerged a group of freedom fighters with a whole new set of ideas and principles, The Extremists.

Hope that this helps you.












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 moderates were freedom fighters .they were interested in getting freedom in a easy and non-violent manner. they were just opposite of extremists.

Role of Moderates in the early phase of the Indian National Movement :

  1. The moderates, demanded not indepen­dence but representative institutions within the British Government.
  2. The Congress Committee followed a moderate programme during the first few years. In the beginning, it aimed at uniting die people of India for common political ends.
  3. Some of the early demands of Moder­ates were :
    • elected representatives in the Pro­vincial and Central Legislative Councils.
    • holding of die Indian Civil Service examination in India and raising the minimum age of entry.
    • reduction of military expenditure.
    • the spread of education.
    • agricultural and industrial develop­ment etc.
  4. The moderates did not want separation but association with Britain.
  5. Gradually the radical ideas were brought in the Congress making the British Government hostile towards it.
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1) They had full faith in british gov.

2)They wanted changes in the reforms.

3)They wanted to achieve their aim through peaceful methods.

4)They were sudden sent to jail.

5)Mahatma Gandhi, WC Bonnerji


1)Freedom to speech and expression.

2)Reduction in taxes.

3)More power for legeslative assembly and more indians in these assembilies.

4)High post for Indians in administration.

5)Holding civil exams in India.

6)Sepration of Judiciary from executive.

7)Repeal of arms act and vernacular act.

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Traditionally,thefirst20 years of beginning of congress are called the 'Moderate Age'. Among The Moderates, M.G. Ranade, Surendranath Bannerjee, Dadabhai Naoroji And Gopalakrishna Gokhale were prominent. The Moderates Trusted the britishadministration and their impartiality. They used to place their requests and appeals before the government within the constitutional framework.
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The congress leaders were called moderates.They proposed for a greater voice for Indians in the government and in admistration. They wanted admistration.They wanted the legislature council to be made more representative, given more power and introduced in provinces where not existed.they demanded that indians be placed in high positions in the government.The moderate leaders wanted to develop public awareness about the unjust nature of British rule.They wanted to make the government aware of the feelings of Indians.
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