why a camel can move fastly on desert?


 because it wants to?? so simple

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as  the  surface  area contact of the  camel's foot  is  less, pressure is more . so it can able to move fast on desert

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pranav ,why are you joking?

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ibravi,thanku for your answer

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because its area of its feet it lage . when area is more pressure is less. so it can move easily on desert  f=p/a where f is=force

p=pressure and a=area

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wrongg and answer check it in net or in ncrt textbook

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soory it p= f/a

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camel can move easily because the surface area of foot of camel large and broad . as the surface area increases pressure decreases and as the surface area decreases pressure increases. since the surface area of contact of feet of camel is more the pressure is less and hence its foot doesnt sink in sand like humans so it can move faster in desert

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camel can move easily because the surface area of foot of camel large and broad . as the surface area increases pressure decreases and as the surface area decreases pressure increases. since the surface area of contact of feet of camel is more the pressure is less and hence its foot doesnt sink in sand like humans so it can move faster in desert


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