Why are adolescents advised to take more calcium than adults?

adolescents are asked to take more calcium than adults because adolesceent is a period of time when the bone grows.

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since adolscents are in their growing age......where they have an enlarge ment in size and bones.....for which calcium is more important

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since adolscents are in their growing age......where they have an enlarge ment in size and bones.....for which calcium is more important

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adolescents are said to take more calcium than adults because adolescenceis the time of growing up mentally, physically and socially. in physical growth our bone becomes strong so doctors say to eat healthy food which contains the right amount of carbohydrates , proteins , fats , vitamins and mineral .
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why are adolescents advised to take more calciumthan adults
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if you shout on the moon will the sound travel faster or slower than earth?why

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bone growth
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because it is the age of growing
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yes , it is necessary of taking nutrients and calcium in the food for growing age
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to be healty and grow up fast
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because they have devolping bodies and to get stronger body/bones teens are advised to take more calcium than adults
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Adolescents are advised to take more calcium than the adults because they are still growing and calcium is essential for their bone and teeth development.
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