Why are all hot deserts located on the western margins of continents?

Dear student

Most of the hot deserts are located on the western margins of continents due to the prevailing winds in the tropics i.e., the tropical easterlies, which loses all moisture by the time they reach the western margins of the continents causing dry conditions leading to desert formation. 


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There are four major factors responsible for the location of the world's tropical desert on the Western margins of continents:

1. Offshore areas of trade wind and falling under the rain shadow area: When the moisture laden trade wind flows from east to west shed their moisture on the eastern part and by the time they reach the western margin, they become dry. These dry winds make the soil more and this led to the formation of the desert.

2. Anticyclonic conditions: The areas between 20 ° -30 ° latitude on western margins of continents are the regions of descending air. Because of this, the air gets compressed and warm as it descends and thus the moisture keeps decreasing.

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