because they have a high sugar content which helps in making a hypertonic environment and removes water from the microbes which is necessary for their survival.

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Because they contain a large amount of sugar in them, if any micro-organism tries to enter it they lose water because of osmosis. when they lose water they shrink and die. Preservation with the use of sugar is called jellying

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because the hyerptonic solution with high sugar content remove bacteria and fungi from water
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As we know that , the solutions which are highly concentrative(that contains high amount of sugar) can be defined as hypertonic ; so the cells which come in contact loose their water and start to shrink and wrinkle . Hence , same happens with any bacteria or fungi.
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Jams and Jellies are not attacked by bacteria and fungi because the have sugar as a preservative  in them which reduces moisture which is essential for the growth of bacteria and fungi
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The high sugar content creates high osmotic pressure/desert-like conditions within the jelly or jam. This is sufficient to prevent or hinder the growth of most bacteria and fungi.
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 because of the high sugar content in them. The sugar helps in maintaining a hypertonic environment and hence causes dessication of the microbes  i.e. it removes water from them, required for their survival.
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Jams and jellies is are not attacked by bacteria and fungi because of the high sugar content in them the sugar helps in maintaining a hypotonic environment and hence causes dessiciation of the microbes that is to remove water from them required for their survival
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may be because they are semi solid
and virus and bacteria may be attacking solids only
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Because of high sugar content which absorb water from microbes body,which is the most important thing to live otherwise they can't survive.
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one of the reason is
due to preservatives present in jam like Pectin
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Because they are red in colour
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The high sugar content creates high osmotic pressure/desert-like conditions within the jelly or jam. This is sufficient to prevent or hinder the growth of most bacteria and fungi.


However, there are some bacteria and fungi that are able to grow in such conditions and will happily colonize and decompose the jam or jelly.

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Because they have excess of sugar or salt content due to which they are hypertonic .When a bacteria or microbe comes in contact exosmosis occurs and water from the body of microbe starts moving out making its body plasmolysed and ultimately dehydrated.Hence it dies. Hope it helps you.
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