Why did custard cry for a nice, safe cage? why the dragon is called cowardly dragon? how did he proved everyone wrong?

Dear student,

Custard cried for a nice, safe cage because it was a coward. It is called a ‘cowardly dragon’ because everybody else in the house was brave. Belinda was as brave as a barrel of bears. Ink and Blink are described as so brave that they could chase lions down the stairs and Mustard was as brave as a tiger in rage. Compared to them, Custard cried asking for a nice and safe cage, which is why it is called a coward.
When all the others including Belinda were terrified to see the pirate, Custard acted bravely. He jumped up, snorted out ferociously, tackled his tail to attack the scary pirate and then simply gobbled the pirate. In this way, he proved that he was a brave dragon. he proved everyone's presumption of him wrong.


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