why did jansie discourage sophie from entertaining thoughts about danny casey ?

Jansie did not discourage Sophie from entertaining thoughts about Danny Casey because Geoff had only told her about the first meeting and not the second meeting that Sophie had planned. She was only aware of the fact that Sophie had had a celebrity moment when she bumped into Danny Casey. Had she been aware of Sophie was thinking of then she would have definitely discouraged her thinking about Sophie's father's reaction.

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She never discourages Sophie about Danny Casey. If you read carefully, Jansie just says why didn't Sophie tell he that she met Danny Casey and that it was so cool and she would never utter a word about it. She discourages her about the boutique, because even Jansie knows they were destined for biscuit factory workers. She didn't want to dream and hurt herself.

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its a AI2011 question

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