why do we sneeze if we see the sun?

Dear Student,

Sneezing is a reflex action by our body when it encounters any dust particles or any other irritant that activate the nerves present close to the trigeminal nerve. One interesting fact is that about one fourth of the population sneeze on looking at the sun. This trait is autosomal dominant trait involving one copy of gene responsible for sun sneezing. However, very little is known about the genes that are involved in sun sneezing.


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because the sun rays come into our eyes and when shines comes something happens to us
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ia there really something like that !
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you r the only person who sneezes when u see the sun
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About 25% of people sneeze when they look at the sun or another bright light. Sun-sneezing has been called everything from photic sneeze reflex to ACHOO syndrome (for autosomal dominant compelling helioophthalmic outburst). But no one really knows what's going on
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