Why does a frog have dual mode of breathing? Please experts answer quickly

Dear student, 
​Please find below the solution to the asked query        

Frogs can breathe in three ways: internal gill, the moist skin and lungs.  

When frogs start their life as aquatic tadpoles, they breathe through  internal gills which absorb oxygen from water and when they get adult they develop lungs to breathe on land. For breathing through lungs, they take in oxygen through nostrils. Beside breathing through lungs, they also breathe through moist skin, under water and even on land. ​

All these different forms of breathing are present in a frog because it is lives on both land (through lungs) as well as water (through moist skin and gills).

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
​If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.  

  • 2
So that he can breathe inside as well as outside of the water
  • -3
A frog has dual mode of breathing because it lives in water as well as outside water so it has lungs to breathe outside and its skin is slippery and moist to breathe inside water

Hope it helps you !
  • 3
A frog has a dual mode of breathing because it can live on both land and water.
  • -2
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