why does lymph contain much less proteins than the blood plasma?

Dear student,

The hydrostatic pressure inside the blood capillaries is greater than that in the tissues, pushing fluid out. The fluid that filtered out from endothelial cells of blood capillaries  into the interstices among the cells is a little of watery part of the blood plasma, with almost all the substances except large proteins. During filtration process of watery substance, a very small fraction of plasma proteins escape from the blood capillaries in the tissues. So because of this filtration, lymph contains less proteins than the blood plasma (which are usually smaller in size).
Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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May be because only few proteins of smaller size that escape through the cell constitute the lymph.. But plasma is a part of blood and carries things throughout the body.. I'm not sure🤔🤔🤔
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