Why does poet wants to get back to childhood days of his child?

Dear student 

The poet expresses his frustration and says that he and his son no longer communicate with each other. He says it used to be different when his son was a child because he was able to communicate with his son then, without any issues. But now, his son has grown up and he feels like he is talking to a stranger when talking to his son. Both son and father try to talk to each other but they keep distancing themselves from each other as only anger comes out instead of love. For this reason, the poet wishes to go back to the childhood days of his son. 


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in this poem poet is missing his childhood days he wants to convey that he has lost his childhood poet feels that now the childhood could not be brought again and it can only be seen in the face of an infant only he wants to go back to his childhood again
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Childhood is the stage where children can enjoy independence, and can play and have fun. Knowing this The poet wishes to get back to childhood days
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