Valency is the number of electrons an element has to lose or gain in order to become stable and achieve noble gas configuration.

Silicon, has atomic number 14, electronic configuration 2,8,4. It has 4 valence electrons. It can gain or lose 4 electrons to achieve noble gas configuration and stability. Thus the valency of silicon is 4.

Chlorine, has atomic number 17,, electronic configuration 2,8,7. It has to gain one more electron, to complete its outermost shell and achieve noble gas configuration. Thus valency is 1.
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Because in its outer most silicon has in its outermost shell one electron.. it loses one electron to obtain octet thus it has valency one. And on the other hand Cl has valency 1 bcoz in its outer most shell there are 7 electrons. It gains one electron to obtain octet and thus has valency one. Okay thanks!
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silicon have 4 valence electron in its outermost shell, i.e. to gain the octate in needs 4 more electrons. So, its valency is 4. Similarly, chlorine have 1 valence electron in its outermost shell. so, its valency is 1.
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