Why does tea cools down quickly in plate

Evaporation increases when surface increases
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The plate has larger surface area compared to a glass
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So it cools down quickly
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Because evaporation takes place faster on a larger surface area..So in comparison a plate has a larger surface area than any other bowl. As a result the hot vapours from the tea will rise faster.
Thank you
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This is because when the tea is poured on the plate the surface area increases and the evaporation is directly proportional to the surface area . Hence larger the surface area the larger will be the rate of evaporation, thereby taking more heat .. This is the reason why the tea is poured on the plate to cool it .

I hope it helps u!
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Tea cools faster?in a?plate?than in a cup because when it is on a?plate?it is more spread out so the cooler air around it is able to?cool down?each molecule?faster?than if it were in a cup which is?cooling down?slower because the?tea?is not a spread out.
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