Why does the poet count up to twelve?

Your Question can have more than one answer:

  • 12 is the number of months in a calendar year.
  • 12 may refer to midnight after which a new day begins....here it may be used to symbolize a new beginning.(Without wars,corruption,environmental destruction)
  • Counting till 12 may be analogous to counting till 100 which may be done to meditate.
  • K-E-E-P-I-N-G   Q-U-I-E-T Has 12 letters!
  • 12 is the hour twice during the day when the clock hands stand still together.Such a message(That Of Togtherness) is present in the poem.
  • Or , simply 12 may be a random number chosen bby the author.
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the poet counts uptill 12 so that we humans can get some time for ourselves ...to thing realize their mistakes n the chaos they have done to the mother earth .

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If there is a deep silence all around then one can find huge amount of resources of peace and tranquility. When a person is silent, at that time he is with himself and all other distractions disappear. Silence creates an exotic moment , where one forgets ones differences; wars come to a standstill and a feeling of brotherhood prevails. The poem 'Keeping quiet' celebrates the necessity of introspection and the advantage of doing nothing for sometimes in life. Much of the evil disappears in the depths of a silent and inactive life, for if man, at one point of life, does nothing, life on earth, can become a heaven for those moments of life.
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the poet counts upto twelve so that we humans get time to keep still think n know the significance of their lives....n can even make this world a better place to live.
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