why earth is called blue planet .

Its filled with water.
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Beacause it was full of water
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Earth is called a blue planet because it is covered with too much of water.
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Because three foourth of earth is filled with water
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earth called blue planet because its one forth part covrd with water from outer space earths like blue in color
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Earth is called the blue planet because 75% part of earth is covered by water
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Because earth has71% water and29% land
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The earth is called the blue planet because two third of the planet or as We can call 75% of its body is covered with water.
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From the outer space , the earth appears blue because its two-thirds surface is covered by water. It is , therefore, called a blue planet.
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Because earth is covered 70%of water
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The Earth is called the blue planet because 70% of the Earth is covered with water and rest 30% is covered with land. It also appears blue when looked from outer space.
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Because its one-fourth part is covered with water
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Earth is called a blue planet because it is covered with2/3 of water and only1/3 of land
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From the outer space the earth's two -third is water
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The earth is called blue planet because 79%of earth is covered with water and rest is land
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As its 3/4part is covered with water
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Earth is called blue planet because there was 71% water.
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Because its 3\4 % is covered with water...
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Because its 3-4% is covered with water...
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because earth contains more water
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Because 78% is covered by water
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Because it has water
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Because earth is the only planet where we can stay
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From the space,earth looks blue because of the presence of water on it.Therefore it is called a blue planet.
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Beacause 70% of water available in earth
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The earth is blue in colour because it is covered with 70% of water and the land is 29%.
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The earth is called the blue planet. More than 71 percent of the earth is covered with water and 29 percent is the land
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Because the earth contains 71 percent water
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Earth is called a blue planet because about 71 percent of the earth surface is made up of oceans and seas.
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The Earth is called the blue planet because it is 3/4 covered with water.
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Earth is called a blue planet because it has 3/4 water
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Our earth is covered with71% of water so only the earth is in blue colour
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Two-thirds of the earth is covered with water.
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Most of the is covered with water so it mostly looks blue.As the the earth has most of the blue color,it is called blue planet
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The three-fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water bodies. And when looked from the space it appears blue due to those water bodies. That is why it is also known as the Blue planet.
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From space the earth looks blue because it's two - thirds of surface is covered by water .That's why it is called a blue planet
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Because it has 75 percent of water
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from space,earth looks like a blue planet due to all the water.hence,the name `the blue planet`
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the earth is called blue planet because is 3\4 % coverd with water and earth has more water thhan other planet.
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earth is called blue planet beacuse  it is coverd with water
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because one third part of the Earth is covered with water
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Because 71% of the earth is covered by water
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Earth is also known as Blue planet because of presence of water in oceans, on land and in atmosphere. Water in all its forms on Earth accounts for 71 per cent of Earth's crust. Oceans have more than 97 per cent of all water found on Earth. The remaining 2.8 per cent water in the Earth is in the form of ice sheets, glaciers,r unning water and underground water which is called fresh water.
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Because earth has71% water and29% land
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Because it has much of water
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The three - fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water bodies. And when it looked from space it appears blue due to those water bodies. That is why it is also known as the blue planet .
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Earth has 71per cent and 21 per cent land and it looks blue from outer space because it has 3/4 water
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because for 4/5 of the Earth is water
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The earth is known as blue planet because it is the only planet place for living
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The earth have 3/4th Percent is water and 1/4th percent is land ; result the called blue planet
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Because one third of surface is covered with water. That's why earth is called blue planet.
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Because 71% water in earth
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because god create earth
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because there is more amount of water found on Earth
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because thare is more amount of water are seen on earth Thus , the earth is called a blue planet
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The Earth is also known as the watery planet or the blue planet because 71% of its surface is covered with water
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Earth is also known as blue planet because earth is only planet which have life,air, waterand land to live that is why it is known as blue planet.
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is only a planet which has water in it
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Because earth is covered with three fourth part of water
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Earth is called a blue planet because the water is covered 71% ( 2 of 3 part of the Earth) and from the outer space we see that it is all blue. And it is also coverd with 29% of land from which 10% is coverd with glacial ice ; including glaciers ; ice caps ; and the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. Glacierized areas cover over 15 million square kilometres ( 5.8 million square miles ). Glaciers store about 75% of the world fresh water.
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Earth is called blue planet because most of the part of earth surface is covered with water. Presence of an adequate amount of water makes life possible on earth .
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Earth is called a blue planet because two third of its surface is covered with water.
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Earth is called a blue planet because it has 71%of water.
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Earth is called as blue planet because:
1 it is the only planet where life exists
2 it is the only planet which is covered with 71 percent of water
3 it has many life supporting gases like owygen carbon dioxide nitrogen etc
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The earth has 71% of water
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Earth is covered with so many water bodies that's why earth is called a blue planet
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Earth is called। a blue planet because 70%of its surface is covered with water
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earth is called water planet because 97% of Earth is covered with water
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Because earth has only planet which has life and all thing to survive living thing
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The earth is called blue planet because due to the presence of water bodies on it.
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earth is called the blue planet because it has more than 71 % of water
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Earth is called a blue planet because 71%. of the earth's surface is coverd by water
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Earth is called blue planet beacause earth is coverd by water bodies such as ocean,seas lakes,snowstream and river
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the earth is called blue planet because it has 71% of water
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Earth is called the blue planet bacause 70.92% of the planet is covered with water bodies.the astronemers gone to space saw the earth in blue colour 
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Earth is blue because in earth there are 70% water and 30% land and the earth have two rhird of water .....
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what is the body
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Earth is called blue planet because it has so much water
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It is called the blue planet Because 72% of the Earth's surface is covered with water hence it is called a blue planet
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Earth called blue planet because one third surface covered with water
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Earth is called blue planet because one third surface covered with water
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because there is 70% of water in the Earth
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Due to the presence of water all over it
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The Earth is called a Blue Planet as 3/4of the planet is covered with water.
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About 71% of earth is covered with water and you know that water is blue

Therefore to astronaut who see the earth from space the earth appears blue in colour

That is why the earth is also called the blue planet
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because it is covered with water
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earth is covered with three fourth of water
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The ?? is called the blue planet because the mostly covered from water
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because half of earth is covered with water that's why Earth is also called the blue planet
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Earth called blue planet because its two/ third part covered in water
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Earth is called a blue planet because of water in it.
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Because it have a sufficent water
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because it is blue
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earth is called blue planet because 71%of its surface is covered by water
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Earth is called a blue planet because it is covered mostly with water
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Because it is surrounded by water
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Earth is called a blue planet because it is 79% covered with water
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Because it's two third surface is covered by water. therefore it's called a blue planet..
Maybe you like my answer.....
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Because Earth contains 71% of water!
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Dear Student,
The earth is blue in colour because it is covered with 70% of water and the land is 29%.
Hope it helps you.
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The three-fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water bodies. And when looked from the space it appears blue due to those water bodies. That is why it is also known as the Blue planet.
The earth ulis called a blue planet because of the presence of abundance of water in it. About 70 percent of the earth's crust is covered with water. And this imparts it with a blue colour as seen from the space.

During earth's formation, hydrogen molecules combine with oxygen molecules in the ratio 2:1 water is formed and because of earth's suitable temperature it remained in liquid form and supported life on earth.
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Because its the only planet which has water and atmosphere which is suitable for life
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From the outer space ,the earth appear blue because 2/3 surface covered by water is called blue planet
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because more part of earth's surface is covered by water
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Because 74 % of liquid frozen water is covered earth
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                       Because its 3/4  surface is covered by water
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The solution for the same is given below

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because it is 71% covered by water
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because of the combination of atmosphere and water
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Earth is called a blue planet because half of its surface is covered with water.
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Because one day some one spilled blue color on the globe so all scientists thought earth is blue that's why globe is blue that day earth was painted blue. from that day earth is called blue planet
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Because of the sea
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Because most part of the earth is covered with water. This shows the color of the earth blue that's why earth is called blue planet.
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because it is covered two-third of planet is covered with water or 75% of the earth is covered with water .
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Earth is called as a blue planet because 75%of water is avaiable on our earth
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due to the presence of water
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Because of the water
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that is called as blue planet because of we have 71% of water in our Earth
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Because the earth have large amount of sea and ocean
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3 part of water
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Because it is covered with 75% of water
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Because of its water.
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Earth?is the only?planet?in our solar system that has a large amount of liquid water. About 74 % of the surface of?Earth?is covered by liquid or frozen water. Because of this, people sometimes call it the?blue planet. Because of its water,?Earth?is home to millions of species of plants and animals.
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70% Earth is covered with water so it is called blue planet
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Because it has lots of water
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Earth is called blue planet becoz Major part of earth is covered by water
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Because , the earth is only planet which live exits .the other planets are others
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because earth has 71% water
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Because it is full of water
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earth is called blue planet because Earth have 90% of water and 10%of land
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Because 1/4 of earth is coverd with water.
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Earth is called blue planet because 3/4 part of earth surface is covered with water and earth is the only planet which contains oxygen, atmosphere and it is the only planet where life exists
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Because the Earth is most coverd with water and from the space we can see that it is mostly blue.
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The earth is covered with 70percent of ?? water and land 28percent and dirty earth 2percent. Please upvote my answer
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Because it has 75% of it filled with water
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That is because 71 %of earth is covered with watet
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Answer:- The earth ulis called a blue planet because of the presence of abundance of water in it. About 70 percent of the earth's crust is covered?...
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Earth is called a blue planet because it has half of the part water
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dog ko blue planet because of 21% of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide
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Because 70 or 71 percentage of the Earth is made up of water
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Because it is covered with 71% water.
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because Earth in water
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because Earth in 71% of water
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because of this 71% of water
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The earth is blie planet because on its surface it has 72%of water.....
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Our earth filled with 71 percent of water.
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Because water is more here. That's why earth is called blue planet
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because 80% of earth is covered with water and 20% is covered with Land by a Green nature
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Because it's sorounded by bodies of water
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Because 71%Water and 21%land. So,Earth is blue planet
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because it it has water
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The Earth is called the blue planet because
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Because lot of water
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Earth is the only planet in the our solar system that has a large amount of liquid water about 74% of the surface of the Earth is covered by liquid or frozen water ...... That's why people sometime say it Blue planet because of its water
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Earth has 71%or 3/4 of water and 29%or 1/4 of land . Water present here is more so it is a blue planet
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because it is full of water
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Our earth is called blue plant because the Earth has 71% of water and 29% of land
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Earth is known as the blue planet,because of the east oceans that cover two - thirds of it surface.when seen from space our world looks like a pale blue dot
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Yes , because two third of Earth surface is covered by water
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Earth as 71% water and land is 21%
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because the 70% of the earth's is covered by water that's why the earth is called the blue planet
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Because there is more water in the earth
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When Earth seen from the outer space, earth looks blue.It is due to the presence of water on its surface, Therefore, the earth is also known as watery planet or blue planet.
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Because it contains 71% of water.
So Earth is seen blue from space????
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Because earth has more than 70percent of water body
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Because it has water in good quantity
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Because earth is called a blue planet because it is only one planet which has water in it it has 71% of water
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In our solar system the earth looks like the colour blue
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Because it has water
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Earth is called blue planet because it is the only planet which is having water and exists life.
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Because ? has covered with water and the remaining that's our land
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Earth is called a living planet because it has water, good atmosphere, favourable climatic condition and suitable to live plant and animal also it has protective equipment like ozone layer and magnetic field and natural cycles like water cycle, nitrogen cycle ,etc..
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Planet earth has been called the blue planet due to the abundant water on its surface . Here on earth,we take liquid water for granted; after all, our bodies are mostly made of water.... and only on such planets could life as we know it flourish . Liquid water covers most of the surface of our planet.,... guy's it's all defined and read and stay safe stay healthy
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Because it has 71% covered with water
It has 3/4 part of water
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You should have to do your self??????
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Yes earth is blue planet
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Planet earth has been called blue planet due to abudant water on its surface. here on earth we take liquid water for granted after all our bodies are mostly made of water how other liquid water is a rare commodity in our solar system and only on such planets could life as we know it flourish
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Because Earth has 3/4 part of it covered by watee
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The earth is called the blue planet because it's 3/4part is covered with water
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Neptune is the blue planet
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Because it's blue
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in our there are so many water so it's called Blue pant planet
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Because it is waterly
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The earth is called the blue planet because due to the prencence of water in sea and osean
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Earth called blue planet because most part of it cover from water
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This is because, the earth has about 78% of water in it.
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Yea the earth is called blue planet
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the earth is called the blue planet because all because 75% of the Earth is filled of water that's why we called blue planet
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Because it's 3/4th area is covered with water
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Because in the Earth have many water .
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Geography chapter 1 solution of first second question
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Because earth is covered with water by 3/4 of the earth . The earth sees blue from the space, that's why earth is called Blue planet.
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Because a lot of oceans
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Earth is blue in colour because 70% of the earth is covered with water.
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Our earth is known as the blue planet , because the 2/3 of the earths surface is covered with water and from the outer space when we see our earth we observe that the earth is seen as a pale blue but as a unique dot 
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It is called the blue planet Because 71% of the Earth's surface is covered with water hence it is called a blue planet
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Everyone know that 3/4 of the earth is cover by water source and one part is covered by land source so when we see the earth from the space it totally looks blue so the earth is known as blue planet
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because it is full of water
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Because about 3/4th of earth's surface is covered by water.
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Because 71%of earth is surrounded with water
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Planet Earth?has been?called?the "Blue Planet" due to the abundant water on its surface. Here on?Earth, we take liquid water for granted; after all, our bodies are mostly made of water. However, liquid water is a rare commodity in our solar system. ... Liquid water covers most of the surface of our?planet.
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Dear Student,
This is your answer :
The Earth is called a blue planet because most of it's region is covered with water and from outter space it looks blue first then after the green or skin part of lane.
Hope this clears your doubt!
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The Earth is called a blue planet because our Earth's 1/3rd part is covered with water. Most of the water is stored in the form of glaciers, rivers, seas, etc. The earth's surface is 2/3 covered with water. From outer space, it looks blue. That's why the earth is called the blue planet.
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Full of water
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due to more water on earth so earth is called blue planet
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Planet Earth has been called the "Blue Planet" due to the abundant water on its surface. Here on Earth, we take liquid water for granted; after all, our bodies are mostly made of water. However, liquid water is a rare commodity in our solar system. ... Liquid water covers most of the surface of our planet.
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due to water
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Because of 2/3 surface of water
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Because 70 percent it is filled with water
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because it contain much water and less land
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This natural colar is blue
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Earth is called blue planet beacause 70?of earth is covered with ocean.
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because it is covered by water
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Because earth is a living planet
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Because it is covered by oceans & sea -(which fishers live in like sharcks-it is the biodiversity of animals living in the water)
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Because earth look blue from sky and large part of earth is covered by water
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because Earth is both water and sky is blue
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Earth?is our home. It is also the onlyplanet?with oceans. In fact,?Earth?is covered mostly with water. That is why it is?called?the?Blue Planet
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Earth?is our home. It is also the onlyplanet?with oceans. In fact,?Earth?is covered mostly with water. That is why it is?called?the?Blue Planet.
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earth is called blue planet because earth has a bluish colour from the space due to abundant of water
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Earth covered mostly with water that's why it's called the blue planet.

Thank you!!
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class 5 math question book
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Help pelice too

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Earth is our home. It is also the only planet with oceans. In fact, Earth is covered mostly with water. That is why it is called the Blue Planet.
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The sun is the centreofoursolarsystem
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Yes , earth is called blue planet.
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70% is covered in water and remaining 30% is land that's why it si called blue planet
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Earth is called a blue planet because it has 71% water
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Because the two three surfaces are covered with water surface
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the Earth surface contains 71% of water so that's why when we see from space it will look more blow and less greenish and white is colour
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