Why is it good to have rebels?

It is good to have rebels because at least there are some people who have the guts to go against the world.


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A man how dose the opposite of other.

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It is good to have rebels because at least there will be some people who will have the guts to against the world.

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Because they sometimes are entertaining to be seen.
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it is good to have rebels because there are at least some people who have the guts (rights) to go against the world
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it is good to have rebels because they help us see the other side of the situation.
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it is god to have rebels because , when we r enjoyinng and playing , rebels are sitting at their homes and reading a book. so at that time we can give our homework to them , so at that time they can complete our homewourk and we can enjoy freely out in the weather
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it is good to have rebels cause we can
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It is good to have rebels because they help us to keep both the aspects of a situation in mind. Thus they keep a balance.

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It is good because very few people have the strength to stand against the majority. They think differently and stand fearlessly for their choices which can be beneficial.
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