Why is lumbering done on commercial scale in taiga forests?

Being mostly softwood trees here are mostly light and easy to cut. That is why lumbering is practised commercially in these forests.

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  • 14
why is lumbering done in commercial scale in taiga forest?
  • -5
taiga forests being soft and easy to cut and are found easily.
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Lumbering -> Cutting down trees and using it as wood for buildings. 1. Lumbering is done on a commercial scale in taiga forest because it consists of pine, spruce, and larches which are coniferous type forest. ... Since it is full of softwood trees it is easy to cut down the trees and use it for commercial purpose.
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suman rout beacuse 
Lumbering is done on a large scale in taiga forests because it has softwood trees which are easy to cut.
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