why is meiosis so important for the production of gametes or sex cells ? how would the offspring of sexual reproduction be affected if sex cells underwent mitosis instead o meiosis ?

Dear Student,

Gametes for sexual reproduction shall be formed after meiosis because during meiosis the genetic material undergoes recombination and variations are produced which are very essential for evolution and increases the chances of survival. Mitosis does not generate variations and hence is not favoured for production of gametes. No variations will be observed in case of offspring generated as a consequence of mitosis.


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meiosis is a type of cell division where chromosome no. is reduced to half.when 2 gametes fuse the chromosomes add up.humans have 23 chromosomes in  sex cell .therefore when ova and sperm fuse the resulting zygote has 46 chromosome[human cell have 46 chromosome]...if  the sex cell were to have 46 chromosome then after fertilization the zygote would have 62 chromosome which would result in formation of another species.threfore its neccessary that meiosis occur in sex cell. 
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