why is palaeolithic man called a hunter-gatherer

Palaeolithic man is called  a hunter - gatherer because he had no work to do and wandered from place to place in search of food. 
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because palaeolithic man where men who hunted or gathered their food as they had no vocation ie:job
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An important changes the ability of the first man like creature to balance on his feet and it stand and walk erect this Free his hand and pick up and throw things.
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Palaeolithic men hunted animals for food, scavenged dead animals, gathered roots and fruits, insects and worms, etc so they are called hunters and food-gatherers
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Because they move 1 place to other in search of food.
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i wanted to answer the same
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Because they use to gather food and hunt animals
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Because they hunt aimals
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Please find this answer

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because at the time of paleolithic age the early men haunted animals that is why they were called hunters gathers
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How did the pathology man Discover fire

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palaeolithic man is called a hunter- gatherer because
  1. At that time, the palaeolithic man hunted animals and so was called hunter
  2. at the same time, he also gathered or collected fruits etc. and so was called gatherer
  3. and then he was given the term hunter-gatherer
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