why is shadow formed when an opaque object comes in the path of light?

Shadows are formed because light travels in straight lines.Since light cannot pass through the opaque objects, it creates a dark area around the object. This patch where no light falls, is called a shadow.Shadows are longest in the early morning and late evening , and shortest at noon, because of the angle at which sun light falls on an object.
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shadows are only formed when an object comes in the path of light . So when an opaque object comes in the path of light , light is not allowed to pass through it
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because an opaque object blocks the light,it does not allow light to pass through it
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We know that light travels a straight path but when an opaque object comes in its path then then it doesn't allow it to pass through it,and results in the formation of dark patch on the object and this casts a shadow on the object.
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The opaque object blocks the light and does not allow the light to pass through.So a shadow forms there  
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