why is tertiary sector becoming very important in india ? write any 4 reasons.

 i- the tertiary sector provides the basic services like public transportation, medical car, electricity ,banking, post office etc under the control of the govt.

ii- the tertiary sector creates an huge area for employment even for uneducated and unskilled workers.

iii- the tertiary sector distributes the consumer goods to different suppliers

iv- the tertiary sector accounts for most of the national income and per capita income

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Tertiary sector is gaining importance in India because there has been a shift from primary sector to secondary and tertiary sector based on the factors like better infrastructural facilities, education, economic growth in India which has provided better employment oppurtunities to people

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  • Tertiary sector helps in the development of the primary and secondary sectors.
  • Tertiary sector is also called as service sector and it allows for the development of human resources
  • tertiary sector distributes the consumer goods to different suppliers
  • accounts for most of the national income and per capita income
  • tertiary sector creates an huge area for employment even for uneducated and unskilled workers.
  • factors like better infrastructural facilities, education, economic growth in India which has provided better employment oppurtunities to people
  • provides the basic services like public transportation, medical car, electricity ,banking, post office

  • 89
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