why is the offspring of amoebae called as daughter amoebae and why not son amoebae.......???

Daughter cells are called so because they are capable of further division. In any species, the female counterpart is involved in the process of reproduction. The males though they contribute to the process are not directly involved. Hence, the cells formed as a result of any division are called daughter cells. During a division, the cell undergoing division is always called a mother cell and the cell produced by division also has the power to divide. This is a female characteristic, hence, the cells formed from division are called daughter cells.

  • 8
for humans the word "man" is common for all..... like that "daughter" is common for amoebae. 
  • 3
It is so because the amoeba is supposed to reproduce again and only female of all organism are known to reproduce. That is why they are called daughter cells.

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