Why is the weight of same object different on different planets ?

Because the gravitational force is different on every Planet. Hope this worked???
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1 Weight depends on gravitational force
2 the gravitational force on every planet is different so weight of the sane object is different on different
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Weight depends on gravitational force
Gravitational force is different on different planets
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Weight is depend on gravitational force
Gravitational force is different on different planets
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Weight is a measurement of the force on a object caused by gravity trying to pull the object down. Mars has less gravity than Earth. So, on Mars, yourmass would be the same as it is here on Earth. But you'd weigh less because Mars has less gravity than Earth.
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hello objects weight is depend on its mass and how strongly gravity gravity pulls on it the strength of gravity depends on how far away by an object is from another that by the same object with different amounts on different planets your weight is different on other planets due to gravity
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hello its weight is depend on its mass and house for only gravity pulls on it distance of gravity depends on how far away one object is from another that's why the same object weights different amounts on different planets your weight is different on other planets due to gravity
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BECAUSE THE Gravitational force is not same at other places so our weight makes changes
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