Why it is easier to cut vegetables with a sharp knife ...and difficult with a blunt knife ...???

whats the logic ....i need scientific reason ...... it is asociated with the CH- 11 Force And Pressure

hiiiiiiiiiii...........a sharp knife has a very thin edge to its blade so it cuts objects better because due to its very thin edge,the force of our hands falls over a very small area of the object producing a large pressure.and this large pressure cuts the object easily.on the other hand a blunt knife has a thicker edge .a blunt knife does not cut an object easily because due to its thicker edge,the force of our hands falls over a larger area of the object and produces lesser pressure.this lesser pressure cuts the object with difficulty........

hope you 've got it........

  • 21

answer please .....MERITnation experts ???

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A blunt knife has larger surface area than a sharp one. Hence force applied will have its effect on larger area causing it difficult to cut vegetables.

(its just like : a nail is hammered into the wall from its pointed side....if  tried  to hammer on the opposite side the result will be nothing.

  • 3

A blunt knife has larger surface area than a sharp one. Hence force applied will have its effect on larger area causing it difficult to cut vegetables.

(its just like : a nail is hammered into the wall from its pointed side....if tried to hammer on the opposite side the result will be nothing.

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i agree wid estherg...!!!!!!

  • -1

A sharp knife has less area....thus lesser the area more tha pressure. so we can apply more pressure on the vegetable and cut it easily.

  • 6

 When we cut any vegetable or fruit with a sharp knife suface area will be less so force applied is more and pressure will also be more (force is directly proportional to pressure). Thus,vegetables or fruits are cutted more perfectly

  • 13
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