why mercury is the hottest while the neptune is the coldest

mercury is the hottest planet becaue it near to the sun.

neptune is the coldest planet because it was very far from the sun


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mercury is the hottest planet because it was very near to the sun.

neptune is the coldest planet because it was very far from the sun.

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Mercury is the hottest planet because it is about 58million km away from the sun.

Neptune is the coldest plaanet because it is about 4496mllion km away from the sun.

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Mercury is the nearest planet whereas Neptune is the farthest planet

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mercury is the nearest plant to sun thats why it is the hottest planet, and because neptune is the farthest plant from sun thats why is the coldest planet.

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mecury is the hottest because it one of the most nearest planet to sun so the sun rays directly fall on it , and though it is the hottest.and neptuneis the most farest planet and so it is the coldest.:)

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Mercury is the first planet in our solar system . The sunlight directly falls on it . Hence it is the hottest planet . The sunlight cannot reach till the neptune . Hence it is the coldest .

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Hi Tanisha

Mercury is the hottest planet as it is the nearest to the sun.

Whereas neptune is very far away from sun and so it is the coolest.

So now you get it if yes

Thumbs up!

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mercury is the hottest because it is near to the sun and neptune is coldest because it is very far away from the sun

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Actually, VENUS is the hottest planet, because of its dense atmosphere and runaway greenhouse effect. It is +460C everywhere on Venus, even at the poles, day and night. Mercury only gets up to +427C at high noon on the equator, and drops to 193C in the middle of the night, so its average temperature is quite a bit lower than that of Venus.

neptune is coldest because-Because it is the farthest from the Sun.the heat of sun cannot reach it properly making it coldest planet.

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Venus is the hottest planet. (Not Mercury)

Pls thumbs up!!!

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Mercury is hot since it is near to the sun and neptune is cold as is far away from the sun
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mercury is hottest planet because it is nearest to sun the and neptune is coldest because it is last planet in solar system and don't get sunlight , at last it far from sun
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mercury is hottest planet because it is nearest to sun the and neptune is coldest because it is last planet in solar system and don't get sunlight , at last it far from the sun.
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mercury is hottest planet because it is nearest to sun the and neptune is coldest because it is last planet in solar system and don't get sunlight , at last it far away from the sun.
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  1. venus is hottest planet because its temp. is +460 not mercury because its temp. is +427  .
            neptune far from sun that is why it is coldest planet in solar system
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Because mercury is near the sun and Neptune is distance the sun.
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