Why must weeding usuallydone before flowering?

Weeding is done before weeds flower because if they flower they will also produce seeds and finally result in the dispersal of the seeds which makes it difficult to control the weeds because each seed will produce a new weed plant.

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Weeds reduce the aesthetic appeal of a lawn, so most homeowners work diligently to keep the plants to a minimum. Whenever possible, eradicate weeds before they flower and produce seeds.

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As the germination period already took place, indeed, the flowering of marijuana is your token after the serious phase you have gone in assuring that your marijuana plant has germinated successfully. Hence, this stage is also one of the critical phases, first time growers will unravel since they need to follow the developmental stage of the marijuana plant. Flowering of plants denotes many developments of the plant. From this phase of marijuana growth, the cannabis growers can now unravel the gender of the plant whether it is a male, female or in case, a hermaphrodite. Normally, when one hormone from the marijuana plant attained its end or maturity point, it will cause the process of flowering of the marijuana plant. As for our information, the darker it is, the higher hormone is being elicited by the plant. Vice versa, the daylight drastically slows down the development of the hormone. A well nurtured and developed marijuana plant has a aggressive features of dark green and it yields up to 20 in height. When this phase took over, you must make necessary adjustments. Growers are required to alter the light exposure of the plant. It must be exposed at least 12 Hours and be strayed away from light for the next 12 hours. This will entice the flowering of your marijuana plant because they might seem that switching of lights are indication of changing seasons, which in return speed up the flowering of the bud. Before it will grow into a full pledge flower, it will go under the pre flower stage wherein, growers shall set the lighting on at fourteen hours until it can finally take shed of the routing twelve hours on and twelve hours off. Indeed, lighting is the blood line, where the development of the bud will highly depend.

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