Why natural vegetation in India disappearing rapidly,describe any five reasons.

* Illegal cutting of plants.
* Illegal killing of animals.
* Pollution
* Over exploitation of resources.
* Urbanisationĺ
  • 1
1) Increase in population
2) Industrialization
3) Pollution
4) Deforestation
5) Illegal Hunting
  • 7
because of over population,cutting down forest and making buildings,
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(i) Agriculture expansion has been made possible only with the clearing of forest land. (ii) Many infrastructure of projects like expansion of roads , railways also occur at the cast of forest. (iii) Forests are also cleared for mining activity. (iv) Overgrazing of pastures also decrease area under forest.
  • 4
Increase in agricultural activities that leave no
  • -1
*Here are the five reasons* i) Increase in population ii) Industrialization iii) Pollution iv) Deforestation v) Illegal Hunting
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